3 Task area “Monitoring and execution of the voyage”
3.1 Determining set/actual deviations
3.1.1 Purpose of task
The purpose of the task is to determine and provide differences between set values (from voyage plan
ning) and actual values (from the task “State identification”). The result of this set/actual comparison is
used as input information within the task “Determining set values" (see Section 3.2).
The functionalities necessary for fulfilling this task are derived from the resultant information which is
provided within this task:
• Monitoring the track parameters: track sections, observance of track limits (maximum
transverse and longitudinal deviation), observance of manoeuvring limits as well as of
the set values for ROT/turning radii and of the rudder setting points at course changing
points, observance of given passage and arrival times.
• Monitoring the course, i.e. comparison of set course and actual course.
• Monitoring the speed: comparison of set speed (any desired source) and actual speed.
3.1.2 Functionalities
The following functionalities are thus produced for the task “Determining set/actual deviations”:
1. Monitoring observance of the set track:
1.1 Monitoring the transverse deviation, i.e. set/actual comparison of present posi
tion/track limits (“off-track limits”)
1.2 Monitoring the time profile: fixed passage and arrival times
1.3 Monitoring planned changes in course: observance of rudder setting points, given
turning radii/ROT/rudder angles at course changing positions, observance of ma
noeuvring limits
2. Monitoring of course and heading: comparison of set and actual course, consideration
of permitted deviations for the actual course; monitoring the heading
3. Speed monitoring: comparison of a set speed (e.g. from the track planning) with pres
ent measured value.
Along with these functionalities fundamental for fulfilling the process task, the task contains two further
“administrative functionalities”, which serve as interfaces to other processes or to external data receivers
and data sources:
1. Administering the current voyage plan
2. Scanning in external set values