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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2009

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Scanrieh} 31}! 23746 10280000 ° SerggareE 428} 0:20 (08 Sep0 AgaygerE At LE ea aa, 
€TD. 10088; 39. 03 L03-Sep-09 Ser Oasen 32.7 ! 1:04 1 09-8008: Sana 7 | un e] 185 1004| g 149118 436-139 
LTD 70067! 40° 688 103Sp-09 Sarg gagp 5122 | 946 | 0-Sep09  Bnge 1221 111 4121107 308 143 00116 120-148 
Seanfieh 34) * 1717 f03 Senne SE eeargne, 2040. 2032 {03.sepüe SAGEN 2828 41) a 
CTD' 10058: 42 20:40 ;03-Sep-00 | SE ODTEE | 1266 20:54 : 09-5ep-09 SEEN 1262111 : i 2 ie) 926 
ScarFich 35 7} 2104 703 Sep 09T eggroze 1213. 338 | DM Bep09° Safggeee MOL A 
CTD- 100601 43 341 | D4-Sep-D0  SRIUME - 762 | 412 DEN | E1E132) 185 006 
SeanFich! 37}! 4030 {04 Bep09 Tazggargp 1045 | 2104 104 Sep09 ug gap 83 ELLE ee 
CTD- 10064! daB 036, 05. Sep 09: N PRO | 1073 TE 4046 ; 05. Sep 09 aaa a 1072111 214027 im 1008: 5 11880 13 IM a 
"Cr. 0086 47 4703 108 60p00 MOON Azıg | a724 {06 sep00 20S0AN Aare ı 11 ı 12] jee/ 1008; a T209l1a  Am6.u70 
Seite 43 von 44

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