; !i.nr Chjm Yi.rk. obtain' 1 from < r»»fni > g erf im ^uni 18(i9 entbecft tverben.
Edwards of the ship Molan . C er berielbfn petite ber Wipfel een <pclc
(All Bearings are Magnetic. <¡rialion 4'50'
Easterly in 1870.)
Edwards rock. This rock was se»n
from the Melanie in June 186b, while working
up from Wednesday island. When near the
rock the peak of 1*016 island was just in
sight to tlie eastward of Double island, Strait
rock open to the northward of Horned hill
on Horn island, and the south point of Ham
mond island well open of the south point
of Wednesday island.
The rock is very small, probably 20 feet
square, and considered to have about 6 feet
water on it; from the above bearings it
appears to lie S. f W. about 1J miles from
East Strait island.
This danger is to the northward of the
course recommended through this part of
'Forres Strait, but Mariners should keep a
good look-out when in the neighbourhood
of East Strait island.
(Hydrogrnphic Notice. No. 5. London, 4th February
Red Sea.
Tide* and currents in the .Strait
of Julial.
The following observations were made by
Captain Henry 11. Grant, R. N.. while con
ducting the operations for the recovery of
the treasure from the wreck ' ' rhe Peninsular
!Bi,i Oriental Company's steam-■ hip Carnatic
h"' >/:- ember 1S69:
The rise and fall of the tides on all the
hanks between Jubal and Sliadwan islands
are much affected by the direction and force
of the wind; they range from 4 to (i feet at
full and change.
The direction of the tides (the ebb running
to the N. W. and the flood to the S. E.), as
shown on the chart of the Strait of Jubal,
arrabe eftliefi frei Pen rouble ,l?(uiib,
¿trait .'Keif fret nirblicb pen sjerneb Jyill attf
Tern nut 1 bie Subfptfie Pen Jpammonb
v td!nnb gut frei Pen ber ©fi&fpijte Pen SRebnes«
Pap ^(cmb. Tie filiPPe iff fehr fletn, pieUeuht
20 CuabralftlJ <|ro§ unb uadi £cbd|ung (>' unler
Staffer. Ten cbtgen H»ei(ungen jufclge febeint fie
S J W ungefdbt 1J «eemeileu Pen irnft 'trait
^blanb emfernt ju fetn. Tiefe @efal)t liegt jmar
nerblicb eon bern in biefent dbeile ber Tcrred
¿trabe anempfeMenen sturfe, beeb follten Tdnffe,
leenn fie fid) in ber ¡Knibbarfcbaft eon (faff Strait
3?lanb befinben, gtiten 91u?gucf balten.
Betbto iltrrr.
OJcjcUctt 111111 2tröm!!Hfieii in ber
Stuf allen hänfen jmifeben fcen Unfein ^ubal
unb ¿bablvan mub bic ^шЫч'Рс febr bm\t bie
¡Richtung unb -starte bes SBinbc? beeinflußt unb
beträgt 4' bis (>' bei Sbringjeit Tie ¡Richtung
een 6bbe unb Thitb i'i in ber Starte richtig an
gegeben, unb Jlrac fest bie libbe N W, bie glu.
SO, aber innerhalb 2 ¿eemeilen lintfernung een
ben ¡Riffen unb ber ¿bablran -Jnfel tft bie ¡Kid),
tung ber Strömung unlieber, inbetn biefelbe auf
bie ¡Kiffe ju fept.
Tao ¡Kiff, auf irelcbem ber Tampfer „linmutio"
ftranbete, iii unter bem 'Jiamen Stbco ¡Rabai be>
fannt unb liegt nörblicb pon sjprfc-fbee ¡Kiff.
gaft mdbrenb eine? ganjeit iRcnat? mürbe im