she has three masts and at the top of the
mainmast a large black cone will be hoisted
during daytime, and a powerful globular light
at night, elevated 30 feet about the sea, which
in clear weather should be seen from a di
stance of 6 miles.
A flare-up light will also be shown every
15 minutes during the night from an hour
after sunset to an hour he tori' sunrise.
During foggy weather, day or night, a
bell will be rung continuously for half a mi
nute even - quarter of an hour, and until the
1st day of October 1870, a gun will be tired
every quarter of an hour, and after that
date, every hour.
The Commercial code of Signals for the
use of all Nations, will be used on board,
to the exclusion of all other codes, and none
other can be noticed.
(All Bearings arr Magnetic. Variation
23 11 'esterIg in 1S70.)
(Not. to Mar. No. 50. 30th April.)
Siufterbettt wirb währettb bet 9tacf)t Bon einer
Stunbe nach Sonnenuntergang ab bis eine Stunbe
t’on Sonnenaufgang alle 15 9?iinuten ein giacfer-
fettet gegeigt werben.
Sei 9lebclroetter / cs fei Tag ober 9fa<f't, wirb
alle 93iertelfhinben eine ®locfe eine halbe 'Kinute
lang ununterbrochen geläutet ttttb bis tum 1. Otto«
her 1870 alle Biertelftunben, fpäterbin alle igtunben
ein Sanonenfcbufj geiöft werben.
3um Signataren fol! aubfcbliefilicb bas inter
nationale Signalbucb gebraucht werben uttb fann
fein anberes weiter beriieffiebtigt werben.
OPeil. mifjro. ällitjw. 33 2Befl in 1870)
'}iacbti(fctfn fiir ¿«fabrer ?fr •*> mb 38 pro 1870).
Alteration in listlit at Cette.
The French Government has given No
tice, that from the 1st day of April 1870. the
following alteration would take place in the
light on the extremity of tin Frontignan jetty,
at the entrance of the port of Cette, viz. : —
The red light would be changed to a
green light.
fHittrlmrer. Xnuihrrnt).
'lìcrdnìTinmg tco genero git (frette.
Slttt 1. Slpril 1870 ¡ft bas rotbe geuer auf
bon Hopfe bet grontignan "Stole im yafeneingang
Bon (Sette in ein grünes »eränberi worben.
liiioys and leading mark*, Tri
llali iiarlioiir.
Information lias been receiv ed that the
North and South buoys, which mark the
North channel leading to the anchorage at
Tripoli harbour, are not in their position, and
that the leading mark between Niboun Shinel
'TU'jcit uni '?liditiiit}|oiii«irfcii im
-fruiteli toon ^ritooii.
Die nörblidje unb bie [übliche 3Joje, welche
bas norblicfee ga^twaifet gum Slnfetplap beè Tri-
polibafens bezeichnen, liegen nicht auf ibtev 3 teile/
bie iHichtungsbafe twifdjeti ben ÌHiffen Siboun
0binel unb Haltmtslta bat in ihrer gerat febt