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Full text: 1870 (1870)

Inner Barnard (eonical) black and white 
rings, with staff and diamond. 
West Barnard (conical) black and white 
Covehithe (can) black. 
Sizewell (conical) black. 
Aldboro' Napes (conical) black, with staff 
and globe. 
Aldboro’ Ridge (can) black. 
Also, that no further notice will be given. 
(Not. to mar. No. 47. 30th April.) 
(inner ©arttarb (fpifc) fcbwarjc unb weife SRinge, 
mit Stange unb 9tf)ombu8. 
'lieft ©arnatb (fpi(j) fcbwarj unb weifj gefcbacbt 
Gopebitbe (flump f) fcbwurj. 
Si.tewell (ipte) fctmwp 
9llbbero’ Stapes (fpij) fcbwarj mit Stange unb 
Sllbboro' SHibge (flumpf) icbwart. 
Gine weitere 9lad)tid)t erfolgt nicbt. 
England — East Coast. 
I.nutlng light*. river Humber. 
The Trinity House, Hull, has given Notice, 
that in the course of about three months, 
four leading lights will be exhibited upon 
the northern, or Yorkshire, shore of the river 
Humber, for the purpose of facilitating the 
navigation between Pauli and Kingston-upon* 
Hull, viz. — 
Two at Thomgumbald Clough, about half 
mile to the southward of Pauli lighthouse. 
Two at .Salt End, northward of Pauli 
lighthouse, near Hedon haven. 
l or vessels bound up the river, the present 
Killingholme lights serve as leading lights to 
the point where the new lights at Thorngum 
bald Clough will become leading lights, and 
the latter will serve as such until the two 
lights at Salt End are in one. when the last- 
mentioned will guide a vessel up to the 
Victoria Dock pier, or to Hull road. 
On the exhibition of the four new lights, 
the light at Pauli will be discontinued and 
eventually the Hebbles floating light will be 
discontinued and the vessel removed. 
Also, that further notice will be given 
before the lights are exhibited. 
engtanti. — Oflktiftr. 
9ticbtiuigoftiicr im &iinit>rr:<tlii^. 
3« brci iDeonaten wetben riet iRicbtungsfeuer 
auf bem nörblid’en ober 'i)oi ffbite-Ufcr beb jjminber 
gluffeb errichtet werben, um bie 'liapigirung jroi* 
fcben ©au 11 unb Singflon-upon-^uD tu erleichtern 
unb jwar: jwei bei Tlwrngumbalb Glougb uttge 
fäbt ) Seemeile fiiblicb vom ©auf! Peucbttburni 
twei bei Salt tinb, nörblid! von ©aull Vrucitt■ 
lburm, bid)t beim Rieben .sjufen. 
¡tut bie ben gluf bmaufgebenben Schiffe bie 
neu bie gegenwärtigen Rillingbolme ¡teuer alb Veit- 
feuer bis tut Spifce, pon wo ab bie neuen ,teuer 
ju ibotngum'alb Glougb Üeitfeuer werben unb 
bleiben als hiebe bis bie beiben ¡teuer ju Salt 
Gr.b in Gin? finb, worauf lepterc tu bem ©ictoria 
Tcdpict ober ber i'ibebc pon tyuil leiten werben. 
©ei Grridttung biefer Pier neuen ¡teuer wirb 
baS ¡teuer tu ©aull unb epent. bas auf bem 
jNebbleS ¡teuerfebiff gelüfdn unb bas Scbiff wegge> 
Gine weitere ©efanmntaebung wirb erfolgen 
berot bie ¡teuer angetünbet wetben.

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