Ba k a e -A aly e
HN104 — 06/2016
calibrated setup is not posable in a laboratory en
vironment due to the aze of the instruments and
acoustic range requirements Deviations from the
laboratory measurementsare also likely to occurfol
lowing the nal installation con guration on board
a ship and due to normal wear and tear of elec
tronic and acoustic components For these reasons
it is imperative that a eld calibration procedure be
performed to account for the sector patternsof me
dium and deep seamultibeam echo sounders
Thecalibration proceduredeveloped bylFFEMER
aims at more accurately modelling the sector pat
terns of multi sector, multi swath multibeams by
direct analysis on real time collected backscatter
images To be successfully completed, the proce
dure requiresacalibration survey to be performed
and subsequent analysisof the backscatter images
using the IFPEMERsoftware SbnarStope. The cali
bration survey areas must be chosen carefully in
order to optimise the quality of the analysis Rat,
suitably deep and geologically uniform seabed
areas must be pre selected for the calibration sur
vey. A series of opposite running survey lines are
then run for each Transmission Mode.
SLich a calibration survey and subsequent
backscatter data analysis was performed for the
EM of OOGS>Amundsen«. The guresdemon
stratethee ectivenessof the procedure. The Shal
low, Dual, CWTransmission Mode isused asacase
Rg. a shows the angular compensated ESim
age in ping vs beam geometry resulting from the
fongsberg real time data reduction process for
the Shallow, Dual, CWTransmission Mode. Rg. b
shows the mean ESangular curve obtained from
the EBimage by averaging the ESvaluesin ° bins
and colour coding curve segments by unique
transmission sector.
9ep of the calibration procedure consists in
removing the ESangular response model used in
Rg. 3: Angular compensated
ESimage In ping vsbeam
geometry (a, left) and
corresponding angular
response (b, right) for the
Shallow Dual CWTransmission
Rg. 4: Transmission sector
patterns Image In ping vs
beam geometry (a, left)
and corresponding angular
response (points) and models
01 nes) (b, right) for the Shallow
Dual CWTransmission Mode
Rg. 5: Calibrated and angular
compensated BSImage In
ping vsbeam geometry
(a left) and corresponding
angular response (b, right)
forthe Shallow Dual ON
Transmission Mode