Ba k a e -A aly e
Hydrographische Nachrichten
gjjj LAVAL
was» 0 km
10 km
Fig. 1: Basemap tiles of the
Canadian Arctic Archipelago
from data collected In 0 4
with the bathymetrlc surface
(a left) and the rst order
angular compensated BS
mosaic (b, right)
in the echo sounder’s runtime parameters Rg.
illustrates the correlation between changes in the
BS and changes to the Depth Mode parameter.
The Depth Mode, Swath Type and Rjlse Type are
three parameters that collectively determine the
Transmission Mode of the echo sounder. Wiile not
depicted in the Rg, changes in Swath Type and
Rjlse Type are also likely to induce changesto the
BS level of survey lines During normal operation,
the EM will automatically nd the most appro
priate combination of Depth Mode, Swath Type
and Rjlse Type (i.e. Transmission Mode) to t the
current range to the bottom and along track data
density. Each Transmission Mode uses a number
of transmission sectors with each sector’s pattern
possessing auniquesignature.EM echo sound
ersactuallydo compensate in real time forthe sec
tor patterns However, they utilise default models
which do not necessarily re ect the real patterns
Any discrepancy between the models and real
ity will lead to residual overprinting visible on the
backscatter level of individual survey lines, a situa
tion clearly visible in Rg. b. Luckily, the sector pat
tern modelscan be adapted by appropriately mod
ifying a con guration le known as the bs . x
le. Wth an appropriately con guredbs .x le,
no further modulation of the sector patterns will
be visible in the real time collected data.
IFREMERbackscalter calibration
Attemptsto calibrate echo sounder beam patterns
are not new. Rjote et al. ( ) and more recently
Lanzoni and \Afeber ( ) ha/e detailed procedures
to achieve such results under controlled settings
However, these procedures are limited to relatively
compact and high frequency echo sounders Rjr
medium to deep depth echo sounders, thistype of
Rg. 2: Angular compensated
BSimagesin ping vs beam
geometry (direction of travel
left to right) and parameter
values of the Transmission
Modes used i n two su rvey I i nes
(Depth Mode: = Shallow;
3= Medium;4= Deep.
Rjlse Type: 0 = ON; = FM.
Swath Type: = Sngle; = Dual)
KM Seabed Image
nui lu ifnri n 1 ni alili 1 niAMir muh h 111 it 1 «imi.u i n irlif i
V. ..JA... 14 « ■ 4-J
100 300 300 400 900 G00 TOD 600
Depth Mode
! I ~\ = f == \
100 2ÛO 300 400 SOD 600 ?CQ SOD
Pulse Type
too a» 300 «O soo oh to ra
Swath Type