Daten +
Übereinkommen über
die Verhütung der
zung durch das Ein
bringen von Abfällen
und anderen Stoffen
men 1972)
Übereinkommen über
den Schutz der Mee
resumwelt des Ostsee
gebietes (Helsinki-
World Meteorological
Organization (WMO,
Weltorganisation für
Scientific Group: Wasserthal
Consultative Meeting of Contracting Parties to the London Convention 1972:
North Sea Network of the Investigators and Prosecutors: v. Ostrowski
Commission: Dr. Ehlers (Vorsitzender), Ruhl
Strategy Group: Ruhl
HELCOM Monitoring and Assessment Group (MONAS): Dr. Rolke
Working Group on Data Handling and Management: Frau Wilhelms
Project Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radioactive Substances
(MORS): Dr. Herrmann
Project Group on Harmonised International Early Warning Reporting
System on Abnormal Events in the Baltic Sea and its Drainage Area
(BEWERS): Dr. Rolke
Maritime Group (HELCOM Sea): Frau Hering, v. Ostrowski
WMO/WCRP: CLIVAR Atlantic Implementation Panel: Dr. Koltermann
Weitere Gremien
Steering Group für das HIROMB-Projekt (High Resolution Operational
Model for the Baltic Sea Area)
Müller-Navarra, Dr. Kleine
Scientific Steering Group of the ICES/IOC Workshop on Biological
Effiects of Contaminants in Pelagic Marine Ecosystems
Dr. Becker
Conference of Baltic Oceanographers
Dr. Mittelstaedt
Conference of Baltic Oceanographers
Dr. Mittelstaedt
Steering Group on Baltic Operational Oceanographic System (BOOS):
Steering Group for the European Directory of the Initial Ocean Observing
System (EDIOS): Kohnke
Steering Group on North West Shelf Operational Oceanographic System
(NOOS): Dick