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Full text: Jahresbericht 2002

Daten + 
International Electro 
technical Commission 
(IEC, Internationale 
International Hydro 
graphie Organization 
(IHO, Internationale 
Hydrographische Or 
Technisches Komitee TC 80 (Maritime Navigations- und Funkausrüstung): 
1 (Shipborne Radar/ARPA): von Arnim, Preuß 
1 TC (Track Control): Behnke, Dr. Jonas 
2a (Small Craft Radar): von Arnim 
5 (Environmental Conditions): Rudloff 
7 (ECDIS): Bethke 
8 (GMDSS): Klauschen 
8A (AIS): Preuss 
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80/WG 10 (Integrated Navigation Systems): Behnke 
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80/WG 13 (Integrated Display Systems): Dr. Jonas 
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80 (Navigational Instruments): Schulz-Reifer 
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80/WG 
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80/WG 
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80/WG 
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80/WG 
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80/WG 
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80/WG 
Arbeitsgruppe TC 80/WG 
Dr. Ehlers 
Chart Specifications Committee (CSC): Hannken 
Commission on Promulgation of Radio Navigational Warnings: Schade 
Committee on Hydrographic Requirements for Information Systems 
(CHRIS): Hecht 
Data Quality Working Group: Hecht 
Colours and Symbols Maintenance Working Group: Hecht, 
Dr. Jonas (Vors.) 
Manual on Hydrography Working Group: Dehling 
Standardization of Nautical Publications Working Group (SNPWG): Melles 
Transfer Standard Maintenance and Applications Development Working 
Group (TSMADWG): Melles 
Strategie Planning Working Group: Dr. Ehlers 
Technical Assessment Working Group (TAWG): Hecht 
Committee „Worldwide Electronic Navigational Chart Data Base” (WEND): 
Dr. Ehlers (Vors.), Hecht 
Finance Committee: Roth 
Group of Experts on IHO Financial Issues: Roth 
Experts in Maritime Boundary Dellmlnatlon: Dehling 
Legal Advisory Committee: Dahlke 
Working Group on Standards for Nautical Cartographers: Hannken 
International Centre for Electronic Navigational Charts (IC-ENC) 
Steering Committee: Hecht (Vors.) 
Technical Expert Group: Funcke 
Strategic Planning Working Group: Dr. Ehlers 
Tidal Committee: Dr.-Ing. Goffinet 
Baltic Sea Hydrographie Commission (BSHC): Dr. Ehlers, Hecht 
Baltic Sea Bathymetric Grid Working Group: Dr. Lelmer (Vors.) 
Baltic Sea International Chart Committee (BSICC): Frau Spohn 
WG for Monitoring the Implementation of the HELCOM Harmonised 
Re-survey Plan: Dehling 
North Sea Hydrographic Commission (NSHC): Dr. Ehlers, Hecht 
NSHC Tidal Working Group: Dr.-Ing. Goffinet

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