BSH kompakt
Energy production at sea
In order to develop a
sustainable energy mix,
the percentage of renew
able energies In Germany
Is planned to be Increased
markedly, Inter alia by
Installing offshore wind
farms. The BSH Is the
agency granting approvals
procedures for the con
struction of the planned
gas pipeline from Rus
sia, across the Baltic
Sea, to Germany (Nord
Stream). The project
was notified to all Baltic
Sea states; public hear
ings in all of the nine
states. The Russian-Eu-
ropean consortium sub
mitted an application
for the German approval
procedure including an
Environmental Impact
for offshore Installations In
Germany’s Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ) In
the North and Baltic Seas.
81 wind farm approval
procedures are under
way: 68 projects In the
North Sea, and 13 In the
Baltic Sea. Up to now,
21 wind farm projects
comprising more than
1 400 turbines have been
approved. The BSH Is
also responsible for grant
ing planning permissions
for oil and gas pipelines
In the EEZ, e.g. the Baltic
Sea gas pipeline.
After the BSH had granted
building approval for
the offshore test field
“alpha ventus”, con
struction work for the
first six turbines 45 km
off the island of Borkum
was started in 2008;
Start of ecological accom
panying research at
„alpha ventus“;
Continuation of aooroval
Dänischer Offshore-
Windpark „Nystedt“
Danish offshore
wind farm “Nystedt”