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Full text: Jahresbericht 2008

BSH kompakt 
Marine research for a healthy ecosystem 
Total of 11 monitoring and 
research cruises inclu 
ding 5 cruises in the 
Baltic Sea, with a focus 
on eutrophication, pol 
lutants, introduction of 
non-indigenous spe 
Geological mapping of 
seabed topography and 
sediment distribution in 
the North and Baltic 
Seas was continued; 
Oceanographic measure 
ments at FINO 1 re 
search platform and in 
the „alpha ventus“ off 
shore test field; 
Modernisation of marine 
monitoring network 
MARNET completed; 
Activities in national and 
international bodies re 
lated to monitoring and 
evaluation systems; 
Secretariat functions within 
the framework of the 
federal and state moni 
toring programme for 
the marine environment 
of the North and Baltic 
Seas (BLMP). 
Environmental studies 
are indispensable to 
understanding natural 
processes and changes in 
the marine environment 
and to initiating measures 
that are required to pre 
vent marine environmental 
pollution. Therefore, the 
BSH routinely monitors 
the North Sea and Baltic 
Sea for, inter alia, pollutant 
and nutrient loads, bio 
logical diversity (plankton 
and benthos), and physical 
variables like currents, 
wave heights, and temper 
Samples of water, sus 
pended particulate matter 
and sediment collected 
routinely by scientists 
during research and moni 
toring cruises are subject 
ed to detailed analyses at 
the BSH’s laboratory. The 
results, together with 
measurement data from 
the BSH’s automated 
monitoring network, 
enable causal factors to 
be Identified in the longer 
term. On the whole, the 
analyses showed that 
concentrations of many 
pollutants and nutrients In 
the North and Baltic Seas 
have decreased consider 
ably and are much lower 
today than they were 
20 years ago. 
Untersuchung von 
Meerwasser im 
Labor Sulldorf 
Sea water analysis at 
Sulldorf laboratory

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