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Full text: Jahresbericht 2008

BSH kompakt 
Teilnehmerder internationalen BALTICO-Konferenz in Hamburg 
Participants of the international BALTICO conference at Hamburg 
Jointly with DWD, organi 
sation of the BALTICO 
annual meeting aimed 
at optimising the 
NAVTEX radiocommuni 
cation system for ship 
ping, Hamburg; 
Participation in IHO work 
shop for the develop 
ment of common stan 
dards for the electronic 
navigational chart, Mo 
Exchange of information 
with 21 judges of the In 
ternational Tribunal for 
the Law of the Sea, BSH 
Hamburg headquarters; 
Discussion of ship safety 
and environmental is 
sues in committees of 
the International Mari 
time Organization (IMO), 
Organisation of the 18 th 
Symposium on Current 
Problems of the Marine 
Environment, Hamburg; 
Organisation of the inter 
national “Ice Analysts 
Workshop” aimed at op 
timising ice charts, BSH 
Rostock headquarters; 
Attendance at the 41 st Ses 
sion of the IOC Execu 
tive Council, Paris, to 
discuss future oceano 
graphic priority issues; 
Organisation of IHO's Baltic 
Sea Hydrographic Com 
mission Conference, 
BSH Rostock headquar 
Organisation of the HIROMB 
annual meeting aimed 
at improving oceanogra 
phic predictions for the 
Baltic Sea, BSH Rostock 
Bild eines Side Scan Sonar 
Side scan sonar image

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