F. Große et al.: Looking beyond stratification
Biogeosciences, 13, 2511-2535, 2016
A further sink of O2 is nitrification, the bacterial transfor
mation of ammonium to nitrate. Within ECOHAM, this pro
cess is light-dependent and links the O2 cycle to the N cycle.
Nitrification only occurs under aerobic conditions (i.e., con
centrations > OmgCE L _1 ), which is a realistic constraint for
the pelagic North Sea environment. It is light-dependent, be
ing stronger under low light conditions. Pelagic denitrifica
tion is implemented, but is negligible as it only occurs un
der anaerobic conditions. Pelagic anaerobic ammonium ox
idation (anammox) is not implemented, however, it can be
neglected for the same reason. Except for primary produc
tion, the biological processes involved in the Ot cycle are
not temperature-dependent in the present model setup.
For the representation of the benthic remineralisation pro
cesses a simple sediment module is used. A layer of zero ex
tent is defined below the deepest pelagic layer of each water
column. There the deposited organic matter is collected and
remineralised (Patsch and Ktihn, 2008). The benthic reminer
alisation of the organic matter is defined as a first-order pro
cess with relatively high remineralisation (C, N, P) and disso
lution rates (Si; opal) preventing year-to-year accumulation
of deposited matter. The released dissolved inorganic matter
is returned directly into the pelagic bottom layer. Different
rates are applied to organic C, N, P and Si resulting in differ
ent timescales for the release into the pelagic. In ECOHAM,
the O2 cycle is affected by the benthic remineralisation in
a direct and indirect way. First, the remineralisation in the
sediment is accompanied by the direct reduction of the O2
concentrations in the pelagic bottom layer above. Second, in
organic nitrogen is released from the sediment in the form of
ammonium, which can be nitrified within the water column
under O2 consumption. According to Seitzinger and Giblin
(1996), who suggested a tight coupling between benthic ni
trification and denitrification, benthic denitrification depends
on the benthic O2 consumption in our model. Direct benthic
nitrification and benthic anammox are neglected as the sedi
ment has zero vertical extent (Patsch and Ktihn, 2008).
For a more detailed description of the ECOHAM model,
including the full set of the differential equations and pa
rameter settings of ECOHAM, the reader is referred to
Lorkowski et al. (2012). A detailed description and analysis
of the O2 module can be found in Müller (2008).
2.1.1 Model setup and forcing data
The model domain extends from 15.250° W to 14.083° E and
from 47.583 to 63.983° N and comprises the entire North
Sea, large parts of the northwestern European continental
shelf and parts of the adjacent northeastern Atlantic. The hor
izontal resolution is 1 /5° with 82 grid points in latitudinal di
rection and 1 /3° with 88 grid points in longitudinal direction.
The horizontal grid of the model domain is shown in Fig. 2.
The vertical dimension with a maximum depth of 4000 m is
resolved by 31 z-layers with a surface layer of 10 m. The
vertical has a resolution of 5 m between 10 and 50 m depth.
Figure 2. Horizontal grid and bottom topography of the
HAMSOM-ECOHAM model domain. White numbers indicate
depth levels. Yellow boxes A-D mark the 4x4 regions used for the
characterisation of key features presented in Sect. 3.3. Black-filled
boxes (1, 2) mark the validation sites discussed in Sect. 3.1.1. Red
framed boxes (2-5 ) indicate regions used for the O2 mass balance
calculations in Sects. 3.4-3.7.
which is relevant for the calculation of the MLD (Sect. 2.2).
Below 50 m, the layer thicknesses successively increase with
The model system was run over the period 1977 to 2012.
HAMSOM was initialised with a monthly-averaged clima
tology based on the World Ocean Atlas (WOA; Conkright
et al., 2002). The meteorological forcing was derived from
NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data (Kalnay et al., 1996; Kistler
et al., 2001) and provides 6 hourly information for air tem
perature, cloud coverage, relative humidity, wind speed and
direction. Short wave radiation was calculated from astro
nomic insulation and cloud coverage applying a correction
factor of 0.9 (Lorkowski et al., 2012). The data were interpo
lated to the model grid and time step according to O’Driscoll
et al. (2013) and Chen et al. (2014). Daily freshwater run-off
data for 249 rivers were provided by Cefas and represent an
updated data set of that used by Lenhart et al. (2010) covering
the entire simulation period. The same data set encompassed
nutrient loads used for the ECOHAM.
At open boundaries, surface elevation was prescribed as
a fixed (Dirichlet) open boundary condition (OBC) accord
ing to the M2 tide, while for horizontal transport velocities
radiation OBCs were applied. For tracers (T and S) radiation
and radiative-nudging OBCs were used in the case of inflow
and outflow, respectively. A detailed description of the OBCs