F. Große et al.: Looking beyond stratification
Biogeosciences, 13, 2511-2535, 2016
Acknowledgements. We would like to thank Sonja van Leeuwen
from Cefas for providing updated data on freshwater and nutri
ent loads for the major rivers across Europe. We further thank
Jerzy Bartnicki for providing atmospheric nitrogen deposition
data from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme
(EMEP). We thank Dilek Topcu and Uwe Brockmann from the
University of Hamburg for providing the map of observed O2
deficiency in the North Sea. Furthermore, we thank the editor
Véronique Garçon and two anonymous referees for the valuable
comments and constructive criticism, which helped to significantly
improve the manuscript. The model simulation was conducted
on Blizzard, the IBM Powerô mainframe at the German Climate
Computing Centre (DKRZ) in Hamburg. The North Sea sampling
in 2001, 2005 and 2008 was supported by the Dutch Science
Foundation (NWO), CARBOOCEAN (EU-FP6) and the Royal
Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ). Cefas SmartBuoy
data were collected under the UK Department for Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) contract ME3205 (Marine Ecosys
tems Connections: essential indicators of healthy, productive and
biologically diverse seas). Markus Kreus was partly financially
supported by the Cluster of Excellence “CliSAP” (EXC177),
University of Hamburg, funded by the German Science Foundation
(DFG). This study was supported by the German Environmental
Protection Agency (UBA) in Dessau, in the frame of the project
“Implementation of Descriptor 5 Eutrophication to the MSFD”,
SN: 3713225221. The publication costs were covered by Thomas
Ludwig (Scientific Computing, University of Hamburg) and
Edited by: V. Garçon
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