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Full text: Modelling large scale sediment transport in the German Bight (North Sea)

Die Küste, 81 (2014), 369-392 
Modelling Large Scale Sediment Transport in the 
German Bight (North Sea) 
Manfred Zeiler ; Peter Milbradt, Andreas Pliif and Jennifer Valerius 
The main objective of the multidisciplinary research project “AufMod” (2009-2012) was 
the development of model-based tools for analyzing long-term sediment transport and 
morphodynamic (MD) processes in the German Bight. AufMod aimed at bringing to 
gether marine geoscientists and coastal engineers to build up consistent bathymetric and 
sedimentological databases and to compare different numerical models using the same 
data input and model grid with respect to uncertainties in their results. 
AufMod provides a suite of consistent annual bathymetries as well as initial sediment 
parameters which can be used by numerical MD models for further analyses. Different 
patchy datasets from bathymetric survey campaigns since 1948 have been compiled and 
have undergone a sophisticated postprocessing procedure to overcome inconsistencies 
arising from the use of different echosounding techniques, vessels, tidal correction and so 
on. For the first time, data on grain size distribution have been composed for the entire 
North Sea including the German Bight in order to analyze geomorphological processes 
and to calculate sediment input parameters for morphodynamic modelling. By establish 
ing a so-called “Functional Seabed-Model” consistent annual bathymetries and initial sed 
iment distribution and composition (grain size distribution) have been made available 
together with their spatial and temporal uncertainties. 
The morphodynamic numerical model simulations cover a time span from 1996 to 
2008. They are based on natural processes and take account of the whole variability of 
tides, external surge, river run-off, wind and waves. “AufMod” provides a suite of con 
sistent annual bathymetries as well as initial sediment parameters which can be used by 
numerical MD models for further analyses. By using the same model grids the strength 
and weakness of the different numeric models can be evaluated and their uncertainties 
can be assessed. The morphodynamic model results provide a first comprehensive im 
pression of die resulting sediment transport pathways in the German Bight. 
Further model runs have focused on the sensitivity of sediment transport and the 
morphological response due to wind forcing, mean sea level rise and variation in porosity. 
North Sea, German Bight, sediment mixture, sediment distribution, porosity, bathymetry, 
sediment transport, morphodynamic, numerical modelling, mean sea level rise 
Der Aufbau von integrierten Modellsystemen (AufMod) g/ir Analyse der langfristigen Morphodynamik 
in der Deutschen B/icht war Ziel des KF¥J-]Prbnndforschnngsvorhabens (Daifyeit: 2009-2012). Ahs-

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