5 Conclusion
The procedure presented here allows for the analysis of long time series of
(Incomplete) high and low water observations as well as of hydrographs. Post
hoc determination and elimination of tidal proportions from such time series
enables, for example, the utilisation of residues, also called wind surge, as a
proxy for regional wind. Amongst other things, climate research focuses on the
assessment of future extreme weather conditions, Including storms and endur
ing weather conditions. In principle, local wind surge Is easier to determine In
retrospect than Is the wind, for which, as a rule, often only Inhomogeneous data
sets are available. Wind surge enables, for example, Investigation Into whether
In the German Bight the frequency of onshore wind (290°±90°) has changed
compared to the frequency of offshore wind (110°±90°). A corresponding study
on wind surge and on the relative sea level rise at the Cuxhaven gauging sta
tion Is currently being prepared In co-operation with the University of Slegen
and the National Meteorological Service of Germany.