List of Figures
System Nordsee
Fig. 3-22: Near-surface (left) and -bottom (right) salinity distributions in winter (top) and sum
mer (bottom) 2006 157
Fig. 3-23: Near-surface (left) and -bottom (right) salinity distributions in winter (top) and sum
mer (bottom) 2007. 158
Fig. 3-24: Salinity stratification in summer 2006 (RVGaufi, Cruise #463a) 159
Fig. 3-25: Salinity stratification in summer 2007 (RV Pelagia, Cruise #273a) 160
Fig. 3-26: Annual runoff of Elbe River at Neu-Darchau weir with long-term mean (1971 - 2000)
and 95%-iimits. 1 km 3 /a is equivalent to 31,7m 3 /s. (Raw data courtesy of WSA-Lauen-
burg.) 162
Fig. 3-27: Monthly means and max. runoff of Elbe River in 2006/07 at Neu-Darchau weir to
gether with 1971 - 2000 base period means and 95%-band (climatology ± 1.96 std. devs.).
1000 m 3 /s are equivalent to 2.592 km 3 /month. (Source data: BfG/WSA-Lauenburg.) 163
Fig. 3-28: Seasonal cycles 2006/07 of monthly mean SSS at Flelgoland Roads together with in
tramonthly extremes, 1971 -2000 base period monthly means and 95%-band (climato
logy ± 1.96 std. devs). (Raw data courtesy of K. Wiltshire, Biologische Anstalt Flelgoland.)
Marine Chemistry
Fig. 4-1: Observational network for contaminant and nutrient monitoring in the German Bight
and North Sea 169
Fig. 4-2: Nitrogen and phosphorus loads of Weser and Elbe in absolute (top) and specific units.
The data are based on measurements ofFFG Weser and FFG Elbe 172
Fig. 4-3: Geographical distributions (pmol/L) of phosphate, DIN and silicate in surface sea wa
ter of the German Bight in January 2006 174
Fig.4-4: Salinity distribution in surface sea water of the German Bight in January 2006. .. 175
Fig. 4-5: Redfield ratio (pmol/pmol) in the bottom water of the German Bight in January 2006.
Fig. 4-6: Phosphate concentration (pmol/L) in near-surface and -bottom water of the North
Sea in summer 2007. 176
Fig. 4-7: Nitrate concentration (pmol/L) in near-surface and -bottom water of the North Sea in
summer 2007. 177
Fig. 4-8: Redfield ratio in near-surface and -bottom water of the North Sea in summer 2007.
Fig. 4-9: Nitrite concentration (pmol/L) in near-surface and -bottom water of the North Sea in
summer 2007. 179
Fig. 4-10: Ammonium concentration (pmol/L) in near-surface and -bottom water of the North
Sea in summer 2007. 180
Fig. 4-11: Silicate concentration (pmol/L) in near-surface and-bottom water of the North Sea in
summer 2007. 180
Fig. 4-12: Nitrate, nitrite and ammonium concentrations in sea-water at the monitoring sta
tions EIDER, NSB2, ENTE1 (October 2004 to October 2007) 182
Fig. 4-13: Phosphate concentrations in sea-water at the monitoring stations EIDER, NSB2,
ENTE1 (October 2004 to October 2007) 183
Fig. 4-14: Phosphat-, DIN, silicate concentration vs. salinity in the German Bight in February
2006 185