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Full text: 49: System Nordsee : 2006 & 2007 : Zustand und Entwicklungen

List of Figures 
System Nordsee 
Fig. 3-4: Volume transport in 2006 (top) and2007 (bottom) through western boundary transect 
of the German Bight; extending from 53° 15'to 55° N along 6°20'E. Model data >BSHcmod<; 
1 Sv= 10 6 m 3 /s 124 
Fig. 3-5: Volume transport through the Kattegat in 2006/2007. Model data >BSFIcmod<; 1 Sv 
= 10 6 m 3 /s 125 
Fig. 3-6: Seasonal and annual frequencies of circulation patterns in the German Bight for 2006 
and 2007 along with percentiles of empirical distributions for 2000 - 2009 (stacked co 
lumns). Percentile range Min to Max, internal interval limits at 10,25,50 (median, stepline), 
75 and 90% 129 
Fig. 3-7: Seasonal geographical distributions of wave height, windsea and swell in 2006 (>WAM< 
Modell); JFM = January, February, March etc. 132 
Fig. 3-8: Seasonal geographical distributions of wave height, windsea and swell in 2007 (>WAM< 
Modell); JFM = January, February, March etc. 133 
Fig. 3-9: Observed wave parameters at FINO-1 during the severe gale of October 31 and No 
vember 1,2006. Top: Significant wave height (red) and peak period (blue). Bottom: Wind 
speed (red) and wind direction (blue) 134 
Fig. 3-10: Air pressure, wind and wave height during the gale of November 1,2006 (>WAM< Mo 
dell). Encircled: Wave heights measured at Brent, Ekofisk, FINO-1 and Euro (from N to S, b. r. 
frame) 135 
Fig. 3-11: Damage due to extreme waves at the observation tower FINO-1 136 
Fig. 3-12: Monthly water levels at tide gauge Cuxhaven (red) 1918- 2009 together with long 
term trend (blue) and trend acceleration (cyan, right scale) 139 
Fig. 3-13: Seasonal cycles 2006/07 of areal mean weekly SST of the North Sea and ensemble of 
corresponding cycles since 1971. Size of monthly climate bullets (radius) gives interannual 
standard deviation for base period 1971 - 1993 143 
Fig. 3-14: Seasonal cycles 2006/07 of monthly mean SST (& intramonthly extremes) at Flelgo- 
land Roads together with 1971 - 2000 base period monthly means and 95%-band (clima- 
tology± 1.96std.devs.). (Raw data courtesy of K. Wiltshire, Biologische Anstalt Flelgoland.) 
Fig. 3-15: Fig. 3-15: Monthly SST anomalies in 2006 as departures from the 1971 - 1993 clima 
tology. Contour interval is 0.5 K. Letter codes (upper right) refer to atmospheric circulation 
anomalies (Fig. 2-13, p. 77 sqs.) 145 
Fig. 3-16: Fig. 3-15: Monthly SST anomalies in 2007 as departures from the 1971 - 1993 clima 
tology. Contour interval is 0.5 K. Letter codes (upper right) refer to atmospheric circulation 
anomalies (Fig. 2-17, p. 81 sqs.) 146 
Fig. 3-17: Temperature stratification (°C) in summer 2006 (RV Gauß, Cruise #463) 148 
Fig. 3-18: Temperature stratification (°C) in summer2007 (RV Pelagia, Cruise #273) 149 
Fig. 3-19: Temperature stratification (°C) at MARNET stations >NSBIII< (54°41'N, 6°47'E) and 
>Ems<(54° 10' N,6° 21' E). Water and sensor depths: 40 m& 4,6, 11, 15,20,25,30,35 m and 
33m&3,6, 10, 15,20,25,30 m 152 
Fig. 3-20: Temperature stratification at MARNET station >Ems< in 2006. Middle: temperature dif 
ference surface minus bottom. Top: >North Sea Wind< (blue, cf. ch. 2.5, p. 85) & local 10 m 
wind (black, mean and range). Bottom: global radiation at Norderney (cf. ch. 2.7, p. 102). 
Fig. 3-21: Sea ice conditions at the German coasts on January 27,2006 when ice coverage was 
at its peak seasonal extent. 154

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