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Full text: 48: Öl im Meer - Risiken, Vorsorge und Bekämpfung

Dispergatoren - Pro und Contra 
EMSA (2004): 
Action Plan for Oll Pollution Preparedness and Response, European Maritime Safety Agency, EMSA 2004 
EMSA (2009): 
Manual on the Applicability of Oil Spill Dispersants, Version 2, European Maritime Safety Agency, EMSA 
September 2009 
Flottenkommando (2010): 
Fakten und Zahlen zur maritimen Abhängigkeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 
Jahresbericht 2010, 23. Auflage, Marine Verlag 
ITOPF (2002): 
Technical Information Paper No. 2 - Fate of Marine Oil Spills, ITOPF - The International Tanker Owners 
Pollution Federation Limited, United Kingdom 2002 
ITOPF (2005): 
Technical Information Paper No. 4 - The Use of Chemical Dispersants to Treat Oil Spills, 
ITOPF-The International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited, United Kingdom 2005 
ITOPF (2010): 
ITOPF Handbook 2010/2011, ITOPF - The International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited, 
United Kingdom 2010 
IVL (2001): 
Oil Spill Dispersants - Risk assessment for Swedish Waters, Charlotte Llndgren Helene Lager Jonas Fejes, 
IVL-Report B1439, Stockholm, Dezember 2001 
OSRL (2009): 
Marine Operator’s Dispersant Field Guide, Oil Spill Respons Limited (OSRL) 2009

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