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Full text: 37: Meteor-Fahrt Nr. 20a, 21.4.-23.5.1970. Seegebiet Färöer-Island

In the bottom layer at station (11.3) and (12,3) the 
pvds of the southern (deep) triangle show a flow pa- 
rallel to the isobaths, which together with the hydro- 
graphic data could be an indication of an overflow- 
like situation, Especially at station (11) the record 
(11,3) at 505 m depth shows a current setting WSW and 
the record (11,1) at 130 m depth indicates an ENE- 
setting current. The records in the intermediate and 
upper layers show diverging directions which might be 
interpreted by a frontal zone or eddylike phenomenon 
drifting to the NE through the array, 
For the northern (shelf) triangle the pvds show a 
certain similarity for stations (22) and (23) with the 
stations (11) and (12) close to the shelf edge of the 
deep triangle, Again the main direction of the flow is 
parallel to the geographical alignment of the shelf 
edge, The current at station (21) shows a very differ- 
ent behaviour, setting, with numerous directional chan- 
ges, to the NW, At this mooring the hydrographic data 
indicate the presence of the East Iceland Current, So 
a frontal zone between cold waters of the East Iceland 
Current and the warmer waters of the Atlantic seems to 
be relatively stationary within the three moorings of 
the northern (shelf) triangle. 
5, Spectra 
Besides the peaks of the semi-diurnal and diurnal ti=- 
des we find the inertial period of 13,3 hrs in all 
current spectra of sufficient length, There are very 
persistent peaks at periods around 50 hrs and in the 
100-120 hrs range, Meteorological phenomena and non- 
linear interactions between existing periods could 
possibly explain these periods, The spectra of the Ki- 
netic energy for both triangles show a „27/3 slope in 
the inertial subrange. In the lower frequency range 
we find a conspicuous contribution of kinetic energy

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