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Full text: 37: Meteor-Fahrt Nr. 20a, 21.4.-23.5.1970. Seegebiet Färöer-Island

1, Array Design 
Two equilateral triangular arrays of instruments with a 
10 nm side-length were moored off the south-east coast 
of Iceland, The southern (deep) triangle consisted of 
three moorings - denotated stations (11), (12), (13) - 
with three current meters each in about 500 m water 
depth, whereas the northern (she1f) triangle on the 
shelf with depths of about 160 m was instrumented with 
up to five current meters in each mooring., These shelf 
moorings were numbered (21), (22), (23). For technical 
reasons additional current meters of the Hydrowerkstät- 
ten Flachsee-type had to be moored separately close to 
two of these stations. Generally the first digit after 
the station number indicates the depth position of the 
individual instrument in a mooring, coünting from the 
sea surface, i,e., 22,4, The Flachsee moorings have been 
marked with an additional digit, so 22.12 marks the 
mooring 22, Flachsee mooring indicated by 1 and the 
current meter level by 2. 
A1l1 current meter moorings were designed to be U-shaped, 
with a recovery unit on the instrument-leg and a surface 
buoy with radar reflector and beacon on the free leg, 
In the heavily fished waters off Iceland the buoy-mar- 
king by radar reflectors proved to be very effective, 
Close to each of the three corners of the northern 
(shelf) triangle tide-gauges (Graafen-Pegel) and bottom 
temperature recorders were moored., Details of the in- 
strumentation, the individual positions and depths are 
given in table IV, 
2. Data 
Due to instrumental difficulties the process of evalua- 
ting the obtained records and editing the resulting time 
series has been very time-consuming. All records from

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