Apart from these means (in general 12 hourly-values)
the mean value and the standard deviation from all
measurements taken at a permanent station have been
determined (last profile of Figs 15 and 19). Dates
and averaging intervals are shown with each profile,
Besides temperature and salinity the oxygen content is
an additional suitable indicator in distinguishing
the three mentioned water masses (Figs 16, 20). Con-
cluding, the following table gives a rough classifi-
cation of these water masses according to the obser-
vations at the permanent stations:
T°C s °/oo 02 ml1/L
1.0 = 2,0 34,5 = 34.8 7.4 - 8,0
35.1 —- 35.3 6,2 - 6.5
Shelf water
North Atlantic
7.0 = 8,5
Overflow water 2,53
- 4.0
34,9 =
35,0 64 ">