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Full text: 19: German programme contribution to the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)

Contribution by the Deutsches Zentrum fiir Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), 
- German Space and Aviation Centre - 
The German Aerospace Centre (DLR) makes available to users data from the earth observing 
satellites (e.g. NOAA, ERS-1 and subsequent satellites) in a processed form and via data 
networks. The data can be obtained from the German Remote Sensing Data Centre (DFD). 
Marine data will be supplied by novel sensors in space - imaging spectrometers - within the 
framework of German/Indian co-operation (since 1996) and by the ESA satellite ENVTSAT 
(from 1999). Research aircraft carrying active and passive optical sensors (spatial and spectral 
high-resolution scanners and imaging spectrometers, light detection and ranging (lidar) 
systems) as well as microwave based systems (radar and radiometer) are operated for research 
and monitoring tasks in close co-operation and joint projects with Government agencies and 
technical institutions processing these data. 
The DLR contribution presently encompasses six projects: 
DLR-P1: Operational development of remote sensing products from NOAA AVHRR data 
DLR-P2: Spatial resolution of marine meteorological and biological parameter fields in 
coastal areas using ERS-SAR (SARPAK) 
DLR-P3: TIDE, synergy of remote sensing and mathematical tidal models to optimize 
divergent utilizations in estuaries 
DLR-P4: ERS radar observations of wave attenuation due to sea ice 
DLR-P5: MERIS Application and Regional Products Project MAPP 
DLR-P6. Regional mapping of water-borne substances based on MOS data 
DLR-P1. Operational development and archiving of marine remote-sensing products 
from NOAA AVHRR data in near real time. 
From the NOAA AVHRR data having marine relevance, specific products are developed and 
made available to users free of charge via the DFD user interface ISIS (Intelligent Satellite 
Information System). 
Products and services 
Since 1993, sea surface temperature charts have been issued on the basis of the AVHRR data 
recorded by the DFD receiving station. A daily temperature maximum chart is prepared from 
several NOAA AVHRR passes, and from these charts weekly and monthly sea surface 
temperature charts are produced. The charts cover the Northeast Atlantic including the North 
and Baltic Seas, the Mediterranean including the Black Sea, and the sea area around Madeira 
and the Canary Islands. These data are very useful in the investigation of various aspects. As 
high-resolution, precise input parameters they help to improve climate and energy transport 
models and, vice versa, they fiimish validation and verification data for these same models. 
They contribute to numerous oceanographic studies for which data would be difficult, or

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