Figure 7.6. Ice situation on 12 February 2001 in Szczecin Lagoon 75
Figure 8.1. Running 5-day means of air temperature in Ueckermunde in the winter of 2001/02...79
Figure 8.2. Running 5-day means of water temperature (at 3 m depth) in Koserow in the winter
of 2001/02 79
Figure 8.3. Running 5-day means of surface water temperature in Swinoujscie in the winter
of 2001/02 (measured daily at 6:00 UTC, data from IMGW) 79
Figure 8.4. Ice concentration and thickness in the Szczecin Lagoon during the winter
of 2001/02 80
Figure 8.5. Accumulated sum of coldness and measured ice thickness in the Szczecin Lagoon .
(Kleines Haff) in the winter of 2001/02 81
Figure 8.6. Extent of ice cover in Szczecin Lagoon and Pomeranian Bay on 5 January 2002 81
Figure 8.7. Extent of ice cover in Szczecin Lagoon and Pomeranian Bay on 15 January 2002 81
Figure 9.1. Dependence of the mean maximum ice thickness on the cold sum in Szczecin
Lagoon h max = 2.12* K s ' 2 - 5.36 and measured mean maximum ice thickness in
the winters of 1990/91, 1991/92, 1992/93, 1993/94, 1994/95, 1995/96,
1997/98, 1998/99, 1999/2000, 2000/01,2001/02, and 2002/2003 83
Figure 9.2. Dependence of ice thickness in Szczecin Lagoon on the cold sum in mild ice winters
and measured ice thickness in the winters of 1990/2000, 2000/01, and 2001/02;
h = 0.28*K s -0.29 (Sztobryn et al., 1999) - old equation for mild winters
h = 0.24*K s -0.29 new equation for mild winters 84
Figure 9.3. Dependence of ice thickness in Szczecin Lagoon on the cold sum in moderate
ice winters and measured ice thickness in the winters of 1996/97 and 2002/03;
h = 0.0006*K S +3.17 K s ' /2 -6.99 - old equation for moderate winters
h = 0.0320*K s +3.37 K s ,/2 -7.38 new equation for moderate winters 84
Figure 9.4. Dependence of ice thickness in Szczecin Lagoon on the cold sum in strong ice winters
and measured ice thickness in the winter of 1995/96;
h = 0.02*K s 3,2 -0.33*K s +3.97*K s 1 ' 2 -5.96 - old equation for strong winters
h = 0.015*K s 3,2 -0.27*K s +3.59*K s 1 ' 2 -5.59 new equation for strong winters 84
Figure 9.5. Beginning of freezing and end of ice season in Szczecin Lagoon in mild ice winters..85
Figure 9.6. Number of days with ice in Szczecin Lagoon in mild ice winters 85
Figure 9.7. Beginning of freezing and end of ice season in Szczecin Lagoon in moderate
ice winters 86
Figure 9.8. Number of days with ice in Szczecin Lagoon in moderate ice winters 86
Figure 9.9. Beginning of freezing and end of ice season in strong ice winters
in Szczecin Lagoon 87
Figure 9.10. Number of days with ice in strong ice winters in Szczecin Lagoon 87
Figure 9.11. Number of days with ice for the period 1947-2002 relative to 1961-1990 for the
Ueckermunde station; the solid curve shows 5-year variations smoothed with a
running mean 88
Figure 9.12. Monthly mean of air temperatures from 1947-2002 relative to 1961 -1990 for the
Ueckermunde station (data from German Weather Service); the solid curve shows
5-year variations smoothed with a running mean 89