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Full text: 37: Die Eiswinter 1999/2000 bis 2003/2004 an der deutschen Nord- und Ostseeküste - Ice conditions in the Szczecin Lagoon and Pomeranian Bay during the Winters 1999-2002

Abbildung 5.10. Der frische Westwind und die einsetzende Meeresströmung haben die 
10-15 cm starken Eismassen des Greifswalder Boddens in Bewegung 
gebracht. Innerhalb von wenigen Stunden türmte sich das Eis am 
Endhaken in Thiessow zu etwa 2 Meter hohen Eisbergen auf. Am Steilufer 
von Klein Zicker erreichten die Eisberge sogar über 3 Meter Höhe. 
(Fotos von Frank Sakuth vom 30.01.04) 
Figure 5.10. Fresh westerly winds and marine currents have set the 10-15 cm thick ice 
masses of Greifswalder Bodden in motion. Within a few hours, ice growlers pile 
up at the spit of Thiessow, reaching heights of up to 2 metres. At the bluff of 
Klein Zicker, the accumulations of ice reached heights of over 3 metres 
(photos of 30 January 2004 courtesy of Frank Sakuth) 58 
Abbildung 5.11 .Regressionskurven für die flächenbezogene Eisvolumensumme und die 
Winterzahl W z * (T m < -2,0 °C) von Schleswig 
Figure 5.11. Regression lines for the accumulated areal ice volume and the Winterzahl 
W z * (T m < -2,0 °C) at Schleswig 60 
Abbildung 5.12. Regressionskurve für die flächenbezogene Eisvolumensumme der Küste 
Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und die Winterzahl W z * (T m < -2,0 °C) von 
Putbus (Greifswald) 
Figure 5.12. Regression line for the accumulated areal ice volume of the coast of Mecklenburg- 
Vorpommern and the Winterzahl W z * (T m < -2,0 °C) at Putbus (Greifswald) 60 
Abbildung 5.13. Eisübersichtskarte vom 11. März mit maximaler Eisausdehnung im Winter 2003/04 
Figure 5.13. Ice map from 11 ,h March with the maximum ice extent in the winter of 2003/04 63 
Figure 6.1. Running 5-day means of air temperature in Ueckermünde in the winter of 1999/00...66 
Figure 6.2. Accumulated sum of coldness and measured ice thickness in the Szczecin Lagoon 
in the winter of 1999/2000 67 
Figure 6.3. Ice concentration and thickness in the Szczecin Lagoon in the winter of 1999/00 67 
Figure 6.4. Beginning of freezing and end of ice season at the Ueckermünde station (Szczecin La 
goon) in the period 1929-2000 69 
Figure 6.5. Variation of the 10-year mean values of first and last ice at the Ueckermünde station 
in the period 1929-2000 69 
Figure 6.6. Variation of the number of days with ice at the Ueckermünde station (Szczecin 
Lagoon) in the period 1929-2000 70 
Figure 6.7. Variation of 10-year mean values of the number of days with ice at the Ueckermünde 
station (Szczecin Lagoon) in the period 1929-2000 70 
Figure 6.8. Variation of maximum ice thickness at the Ueckermünde station (Szczecin Lagoon) 
in the period 1947-2000 70 
Figure 7.1. Running 5-day means of air temperature in Ueckermünde in the winter of 2000/01 
(data from German Weather Service) 72 
Figure 7.2. Running 5-day means of surface water temperature in Swinoujscie in the winter 
of 2000/01 (measured daily at 6:00 UTC, data from IMGW) 73 
Figure 7.3. Ice concentration and thickness in the Szczecin Lagoon during the winter 
of 2000/01 73 
Figure 7.4. Accumulated sum of coldness and measured ice thickness in the Szczecin Lagoon 
in the winter of 2000/01 74 
Figure 7.5. Ice situation on 8 February 2001 in western part of Szczecin Lagoon 75

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