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Full text: 37: Die Eiswinter 1999/2000 bis 2003/2004 an der deutschen Nord- und Ostseeküste - Ice conditions in the Szczecin Lagoon and Pomeranian Bay during the Winters 1999-2002

Apart from some new ice in its southern part on 5 and 6 January, the Pomeranian Bay remained ice- 
free. In mild ice winters in the area of the Pomeranian Bay, ice may occur on up to 3 days in the period 
between 4 and 21 January. 
—*—Ice thickness, Kamminke —Ice thickness, Karnin 
—*—Ice thickness, Ueckermunde Sum of coldness (Ueckermunde) 
Figure 8.5. Accumulated sum of coldness and measured ice thickness in the Szczecin Lagoon 
(Kleines Haff) in the winter of 2001102 
Figure 8.6. Extent of ice cover in Szczecin Lagoon Figure 8.7. Extent of ice cover in Szczecin Lagoon 
and Pomeranian Bay on 5 January 2002 and Pomeranian Bay on 15 January 2002 
The coloured ice charts in Figures 8.6 and 8.7 show the ice situation in the German-Polish boundary 
waters on 5 and 15 January. The charts are based on the reports of ice observers and, additionally, im 
ages from the U.S. satellite NOAA-16on 5 January, 11:35 UTC, and on 15 January, 11:48 UTC. 
On 5 January, shallow and protected areas in the near-shore region of the Lagoon and the Achterwasser 
were covered with thin fast ice. In the southern part of Kleines Haff, there was an area covered by very 
close ice. Thin open and close ice alternated in the Szczecin - Swinoujscie fairway. New ice formed in 
Szczecin Lagoon and in the southernmost part of the Pomeranian Bay. 
On 15 January, Szczecin Lagoon had an almost complete ice cover, except in its westerly part where 
only a few thin floes drifted in the water. The close ice which had formed in the central and southern 
parts of Kleines Haff opened somewhat due to southerly winds. Fast ice in the northern part reached 
thicknesses of up to 15 cm in some areas. In the Szczecin - Swinoujscie fairway, rafting of the 10 cm 
thick drift ice set in. The Pomeranian Bay was completely ice-free on that day.

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