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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

2. Monitoring and execution of the voyage 
Data flow: 
Set values 
1. Origin 
• The origin of the set values must be known. This information must be accessible to the users of 
set values. In particular it must be recognisable whether a set 
value has been manually set or generated by the system. 
2. Validity 
• It must be ensured that only one valid set value for a specified data type exists in the system. 
• If necessary, prioritisation must be undertaken - depending on the degree of automation. 
• In the case of set values from a voyage plan, it must be ensured that the latter has 
the status“ checked”. 
3. Quality 
• Set values should possess a tolerance range within the limits of which the actual value may lie; 
this tolerance should be selected appropriately for the particular navigation task to hand. 
• Care must be taken to ensure that set values are sufficiently up-to-date (eg topicality of the plan 
ning basis for the particular value). 
• Set values must not contradict one another. This should be checked - depending on the degree 
of automation of the system. 
• In the case of set values which are used for dealing with unplanned incidents, it must 
be checked whether they entail clarification of the particular system. 
4. Harmonisation 
• It must be ensured that set values can be observed under the given boundary conditions (mete 
orological, hydrographic, geographical conditions, sensor technology 
5. Criticality 
• Safeguards against the unintentional modification of set values must be provided. 
6. Limit values and alarm facilities 
• If limits for set/actual deviations are exceeded, an alarm must be given. 
• Alarm when using set values from a voyage plan which has not “checked” the attribute. 
• Alarm when set values contradict one another, or if set values and set limits 
contradict one another. 
7. Representation/display 
• The set values currently used in the system and their origin must be displayed 

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