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Full text: 1870 (1870)

and Kaliyusha reef is very much defaced, and gelitten, fo baß fie r.ur in nad)fiet 9tabe non 
cannot be distinguished until too close in to Siujjen ifl. 
be of service. 
Sea of Amy. 
Discontinuance of light at Her- 
The Russian Government has given No 
tice, that the light exhibited from a light- 
vessel moored oil’the breakwater at. Uerdiansk 
lias been discontinued, and the light vessel 
(172 — 174. Not. to Mar. No. 46. 26th April.) 
3)orofd)f9 itirrr 
3illOlÖfcf>iIltß be* $$Crbt(1ltof Jfreticro. 
¡Dai 5?uer, auf bem ?5euerfc^iff beim 
2Ве11епЬгефег non Söerbianif brannte, ifi geloftbt 
unb bag ^euerfe^iff roeggenommen. 
AKeratimi In HrirlUk»!» light. 
Tlie Russian Government lias given No 
tice, that the following alteration has been 
made in tlie lights exhibited from the light- 
vessel on the Begliskaia or Golden bank. 
The lights are both fixed red lights, one 
above the other, the upper light elevated 40 
feet, and the lower light 36 feet above the 
sea. and in clear weather, the upper light 
should be seen from a distance of 12 miles, 
and the lower light 11 miles. 
(Not. to Mar. No. 42. 19th April.) 
Cape Breton Island-Cut of Cause. 
Fixed light. Ship harbour. 
The Canadian Government has given No 
tice, that from the 15 th day of April 1870 a 
light would be exhibited from a lighthouse 
recently erected on Point Cupper (Stapleton 
point), south point of Ship harbour. 
The light is a fixed red light, elevated 
44 feet above the level of high water, and 
in clear weather should be seen from tlie 
northern entrance of tlie Gut of Canso, which 
is 7 miles distant, and from the south (in 
3$cräithcriittft her <ti<! ¡Jener. 
£>ie geuet auf bem geuerfdfiff ron ©egliifaia 
ober (Kolben ©an! ftnb reranbert; beibe fmb fefle 
rotbe tfeuer, c * n§ über bem anbern, ba8 obere ijt 
46', bai untere 36 über ©affet bodj unb ift ba$ 
erflere 12 Seemeilen, bai leitete 11 Seemeilen 
toett bei Harn: Puft fidjtbar. 
tlorf - Atlantifdjer Ocean. Cape Öretoii Jfflanb. 
Out of Canfo. 
JJejteö J^cucr, 3btp »arbcur. 
Som 15. $IpriI 1870 ab brennt auf einem 
neuen Meucbttburm auf ‘¡Point Supper (Stapleton 
point), ©übfptyi bei Sbipbafeni ein feflei, rotbei 
geuer, bai 44 über фофтгаЦег bod) unb bei 
flarer iiuft oom nörblicben (Eingang in ben (ftut 
of Sanfo, ber 7 Seemeilen entfernt unb rom füb* 
lieben in §olge bei baprifibenliegenben Panbei un* 
gefaxt 3 Seemeilen weit ,(U feben ift. 
¿ei Xburrn ijl mereefig, 24 bod) unb tteifj 
gemalt; er fleht 117 ror.. (inbe ber 0pi|e in

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