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Full text: 1869 (1869)

tffilaflf mm IfrtHfiifAeii 
Öanbfl3*?lrdjiD, IN«. 
ttadjridjtcn für Seefahrer. 
.)h 4. 
41. Englauil — South roast Porisiuoulh. 
!»• England - East Coast - Donos. 
H rrrks in till* Douiis uinl (>nll 
englunb — öiibluiltr — portsmoutl). 
Wotbe fetter auf t^larcnce 
(toplmtobc ^icr. 
Die Sritifebe 31bntiralität macht unterm 
lli. tjebruat 186M befannt, Sag auf ben Spijm 
bei öarence (Ssplanabe ijjier pt Seutbfea prei 
rotge 3euer in gcmcbnlicbcn ®a?Iampnt brennen, 
um Dampfern bet Ditugt bie iltin.ibmuig tu ’er- 
bujlanb — «.'ftHiltlr — Ootmiu 
'ISrarfo in belt X'ottnio nub im 
Wild Stream. 
©om Trinity House. font™, reirb unterm 
15. , c. befnnnt geitiacbt, bag in belt le(jten 
3 tut men brei ¿cfcirfe, beren ©tajlen a tie bem 
SBaffet login, ptntcben ber ISlbotP ©oje unb ter 
Stulle gefunfen finb; ein fleine? «(biff auf bem 
Duem, nabe ber ©oje; ein? innerbalb bet ®outg 
©rate ©oje; ein anbere? fublid) boson; unb poet 
®cbiffe im ®ttU ¿tream. 
Da man befuregten mug, bag nocb ntebrere 
gefunfen Unb, beren igiaften niegt pi feben, fo »irb 
befonbere ©or|icgt entpfoblen. 
The following cautionary Notice has been 
issued by the Trinity House. London, dated 
lath February 18f>9. 
Information having been received at this 
House tiiat, owing to the hurricane of Friday 
evening last, three vessels, w'ith masts show 
ing out of water, have been sunk between 
the Elbow' buoy and the shore; one small 
vessel on the Quern, close to the buoy; one 
vessel inside the South Brake buoy, another 
to the southward of it. and two vessels in 
Red lights on ('liirrner Es|iln- 
imdr Pier. 
Notice i hereby given, that two re,/ lights 
have been placed at the ends of Clarence 
Esplanade Pier, at Southsea, to facilitate the 
approach of steam vessels at night. 
The lights are exhibited from the ordinary 
Gas Lamps at each corner of the Pier. 
(Not. to M«r. No. 13.)

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