(Not. to Mar, No. 2.)
9. Algeria.
MglilN al anil near Algiers.
Also, that from the 30th day of Decem
ber 186s, the flashing light on the Isle de la
Marine, Algiers, would be changed to a fixed
light, and also, that the illuminating appa
ratus of the red and green lights at the head
of the jetties (on each side of the entrance)
will be changed to dioptric or by lenses of
the fourth order, elevated 44 feet above high
water, and in clear weather should be seen
from a distance of 9 miles.
Also, with reference to Notice to Mariners
No. 99, dated 14th October ISOS, Notice is
given, that the fixed white light ou Cape
Matifou. and the revolting white light on
Cape Caxine therein described, would be
exhibited from the same date.
(The Bearing is Magnetic. Variation 17
Westerly in 1869.j
(Not. lo Mar. So. 1.)
ifrciier {Il Ulli' mibe bei Elidier.
gemer, »om 30. Tecember 1868 ta8 s Blicf*
feuer auf ber 3 n i f i bf la Sparine, Algier, in ein
fefle? geuer veranbert, unb ta§ bie iieudjtapparate
bes rotben, fotrie beö grünen geuer? auf ben
SDioolenföpfrn (an jeber 3eite bei (Singangä) tu
bioptrifeben ober tiinfenappataten vierter Orbnung
umgeroanbelt »erben, 44 über $o<bwafffr, bet
Harem 'Setter 9 Seemeilen weit ftcbtbar.
ferner, baff mit 'Be;ug auf bie 21acbiicbt für
0eefabrer iRr. 99 vom 14. Cctober 1868, ba*
fe|le »eifee ^euer auf tüap ÜJtatifou unb ba? »eifee
Drebfeuer auf §ap (Sa&ine, wie befdmeben, an
betnfelben Tage ange^ünbet »erben.
(Tie 'Heilungen ftnb mifj»eifenb, 'Bar 17
'Beft 1869.)
3. Sweden — Kattegat Entrance.
INliihilion of* llamiiskiir. Itoon
anil Hallo lights.
With reference to Notice to Mariners
No. 51, dated 25th May 1868; the Swedish
Government lurs given Notice that the lights
of ilainnskar, Kodn and Halle) referred to in
that Notice, would be lighted from the 1st
day of November 1868.
SrìjWfbrn. — (Euiijanii ;um tiatteyat.
'2lii;iiitNnift i>er ,'vciu-r t>oi: >>iinit!<?--
fiir, Xtocii i:at >:>iiIlo.
3Hit Hejug auf bie Notice to Mariners
9lr. 51 vom 25. ©ini 1868 }eigt bie 3cb»ebi|d'e
^Regierung an, baff bie fteuer von £amn'far,
jCoön unb .<r»allö vom 1. 'November 1868 ab