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Full text: Jahresbericht 2008

BSH kompakt 
The BSH issued about 
2600 Civil Liability Cer 
Issue of the first type ap 
proval certificate for an 
environmentally friend 
ly ballast water treat 
ment system; 
The German coastal states' 
Water Police inspected 
12281 vessels; 
Of a total of 1389 cases of 
non-compliance, 170 
were referred to the BSH 
for further handling; 
161 cases of water pollu 
tion were reported, with 
31 suspected polluters 
Fines totalling €36685, 58 
were imposed for 70 vi 
Analysis of about 90 oil 
samples as part of cri 
minal proceedings; 
60 drift and dispersion 
simulations were provi 
ded to the Central Com 
mand for Maritime 
Emergencies Germany 
and the prosecuting 
Environmental protection in shipping 
Ships are by far the 
most energy efficient 
means of transport - but 
not the most environmen 
tally friendly ones If they 
use heavy fuel oil, which 
has a high sulphur con 
tent. International conven 
tions help to reduce air 
pollution from shipping, 
contribute to the preven 
tion of ocean pollution by 
oil, waste water, and other 
substances, and ensure 
that marine environmental 
polluters can be prosecut 
ed. In Germany, the BSH 
Is the agency In charge of 
Implementing International 
conventions relating to 
shipping, In this way con 
tributing toward Improving 
the environmental status 
of the oceans. A computer 
aided oil analysis method 
helping to Identify pollut 
ers, which has been de 
veloped at the BSH, and 
computer simulations of 
drift and dispersion which 
are run at the BSH are 
useful tools In the prose 
cution of polluters. 
Worldwide environmen 
tal standards are being 
developed further. Under 
the International Bunkers 
Convention, In force since 
November 2008, ship 
owners are required to 
assume liability for ocean 
pollution by bunker fuel 
oils. Ocean-going vessels 
of more than GT 1000 
have to carry official Civil 
Liability Certificates on 
board to prove that costs 
are covered by an insur 
ance in case bunker oil 
from the vessel causes 
ocean pollution. 
Untersuchung von Ballast 
wasser auf 
Examination of ballast water 
for microorganisms

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