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Full text: Jahresbericht 2008

BSH kompakt 
BSH - Provider of maritime services 
The oceans are gaining 
in importance. They are an 
environment that offers 
enormous economic poten 
tial. At the same time, sus 
tainable use of the oceans 
- a key component of the 
global climate system - will 
be Indispensable In order 
to cope with climate 
change.This Is also rele 
vant to the activities of the 
Federal Maritime and 
Hydrographic Agency 
(BSH) and Its function as 
Germany’s maritime 
agency. Profound scien 
tific knowledge and contin 
uous research and 
development constitute a 
sound basis for its work. 
Without these prerequi 
sites, the BSH would hardly 
be able to meet the high 
quality standards in place 
and adapt its services to 
new requirements, often 
laid down in international 
conventions. With its wide 
range of activities, the BSH 
provides valuable additions 
to the knowledge and inno 
vation base, and it supports 
shipping and the maritime 
industry. It provides first 
hand information about the 
oceans, in this way sup 
porting holistic decision 
making in maritime policy 
and ensuring sustainable 
use of the oceans and 
protection of the marine 
Der erste Offshore- 
Windpark „alpha 
ventus“ während 
der Bauphase 
First German 
offshore wind farm 
“alpha ventus” 
under contruction 
Surveys and 
mapping of the 
- Hydrographic surveys 
and wreck search in the 
North and Baltic Seas; 
- Issue of the official 
German nautical charts 
and publications for 
commercial shipping and 
recreational boating; 
- Geological surveys and 
provision of information 
about seafloor structure 
and dynamics; 
- Development of a geo 
data management 
system in order to 
optimise use of marine 

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