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Full text: 49: System Nordsee : 2006 & 2007 : Zustand und Entwicklungen

List of Figures 
System Nordsee 
Fig. 4-15: Time series of wintry nutrient concentrations calculated for salinity 30, typical of 
coastal waters in the German Bight. Prediction limits are depicted as 95 % bars. Reference 
concentrations from 1936 shown where available 187 
Fig. 4-16: Chlorophyll-a-concentration (pg/L) in near-surface water of the North Sea in sum 
mer 2006 and 2007. 189 
Fig. 4-17: Oxygen saturation (%) in near-surface water of the North Sea in summer2006 & 2007. 
Fig. 4-18: Oxygen saturation (%) in near-bottom water of the North Sea in summer2006 & 2007. 
Fig. 4-19: Geographical distribution of TOC contents of surface sediments in the German Bight 
(mean values of May 2006 and May 2007) 195 
Fig. 4-20: HCH concentrations and a/y-FICFI ratio for near-surface sea water (5 m) of the Ger 
man Bight in May (left) and August (right) 2007. 197 
Fig. 4-21: FICFI concentrations and a/y-FICFI ratio for near-surface sea water (5 m) of the North 
Sea in August 2007. 199 
Fig. 4-22: Temporal evolution since 1995 of a-, /3-, and y-FICFI concentrations near Stade (Elbe 
River) 200 
Fig. 4-23: Temporal evolution since 1987 of a- and y-FICFI concentrations at station >Eider<. 
Fig. 4-24: Temporal evolution since 1989 of a- and y-FICFI concentrations in the outer German 
Bight (station >NSB2<) 201 
Fig. 4-25: CB153 concentrations for near-surface sea water (5 m) of the North Sea in August 
2007. 204 
Fig. 4-26: HCH-, DDD-, and CB153 concentrations relative to dry weight (top) and total organic 
carbon (bottom) in surface sediment of the German Bight in May 2007. 205 
Fig. 4-27: Pollution sightings in the German Bight in 2006 and 2007. 207 
Fig. 4-28: Different n-Alkane patterns in near-surface sea water of the German Bight in August 
2007. Background concentrations with remnants of bio- and petrogenic Alkanes (>ST013<), 
high fractions from terrestrial plants (>MEDEM<), from algae metabolites (>NORDE<, >ME- 
DEM<), and due to oil spill (>BRIFF<). Cf. Fig. 4-1, S. 169 for a station map 208 
Fig. 4-29: Geographical distribution of total concentration ofn-Alkanes from C 20 to C 30 for ne 
ar-surface sea water (5 m) of the North Sea in August 2007. 209 
Fig. 4-30: Geographical distribution of concentrations ofn-Alkanes C 13 to C ig for near-surface 
sea water (5 m) of the North Sea in August 2007. Column heights in ng/L, underneath co 
lumns station IDs 210 
Fig. 4-31: Concentrations of some PAHs in near-surface water (5 m) of the German Bight in Aug. 
2007. Column heights in ng/L; underneath columns station IDs 214 
Fig. 4-32: Median-values of PAH-concentrations in the German Bight 215 
Fig. 4-33: PAH concentrations relative to dry weight (top) and total organic carbon (bottom) in 
surface sediment of the German Bight in May 2007. 216 
Fig. 4-34: Concentrations (ng/L) of selected triazine herbicides in near-surface sea water of the 
North Sea in August 2007. 219 
Fig. 4-35: Concentrations (ng/L) of selected phenylurea herbicides in near-surface sea water of 
the North Sea in August 2007. 220 
Fig. 4-36: Concentrations (ng/L) of selected phenoxy acetic acid herbicides in near-surface sea 
water of the North Sea in August 2007. 221 
Fig. 4-37: Concentrations of herbicides as % of concentration of Stade in August 2006. ... 222

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