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Full text: 37: Meteor-Fahrt Nr. 20a, 21.4.-23.5.1970. Seegebiet Färöer-Island

pure rotary tidel currents in the northern (shelrf) 
triangle, the main axis of the tidal ellipses point- 
ing ENE - WSW. 
The time series representations of the tide-gauge re- 
cords and bottom temperature recorders in the northern 
(shelf) triangle are given in figs 51, 52, 59 and 64, 
The sea level variations at station (21) and (22) show 
the same strong tidal influence as the current meter 
records, Also given in figs 51 and 59 is the tempera-=- 
ture within the tide-gauge, A comparison of this tem- 
perature in fig 51 with the record of the bottom tem- 
perature in fig 52 at the same site shows the attenuat- 
ing influence of the tide-gauge housing, but also the 
qualitative similarity of both records, For this rea- 
son we give the temperature record of the tide-gauge 
at station (23) in fig 64, where no record of the sea 
level variations could be obtained, Comparing the 
three temperature records within the tide-gauges one 
notes the rapid changes of station (21) and (23) and 
the slowly varying temperature at station (22) with 
an intrusion of warmer water from May 3 to May 12. 
4, Progressive Vector Diagrams 
Ihe progressive vector diagrams (pvas) given for all 
stations show data where the tidal influence in the 
range up to 25 hrs period has been removed by fil- 
tering. To give an impression of the original data in 
the pvd-presentation the top and bottom records of 
one station of the southern (deep) triangle and the 
northern (shelf) triangle are given in figs 30, 31 
and 65, 66, The arrow to the right of the station 
label indicates geographic north, The different appear- 
ence of the tidal part of the current, as pointed out 
in section "Time Series", can be noted well in these 
figures. At the station (23) we note a steady flow with 
a superimpesed tidal current showing closed 1oops, 
whereas at station (12) the tidal regime results but 
in small directional changes in the main flow.

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