New ice
A general term for recently formed ice which includes frazil ice, grease ice, slush and
Number of days with ice
Number of days with ice occurrence
Open drift ice
Drift ice with concentration of 4/10 to 6/10, with many leads and polynyas, and the
floes are generally not in contact with each other
Rafted ice
Type of deformed ice formed by one piece of ice overriding another
Reduced sum of ice
In 1947/48, the reduced ice sum was introduced for the evaluation of ice winter severity in
the German coastal regions. It constitutes the arithmetic mean of days with ice recorded
at the 13 ice climatological stations and characterises the extent and duration of ice
A line or wall of broken ice forced up by pressure
Ridged ice
Ice piled haphazardly one piece over another in the form of ridges or walls
Thin ice
Ice with ice thickness less than 15 cm
Very close drift ice
Drift ice with concentration of 9/10 to less than 10/10