Metadata: Using the HPTLC-bioluminescence bacteria assay for the determination of acute toxicities in marine sediments and its eligibility as a monitoring assessment tool
- Persistent identifier:
- 181711
- Title:
- Using the HPTLC-bioluminescence bacteria assay for the determination of acute toxicities in marine sediments and its eligibility as a monitoring assessment tool
- Structure type:
- Artikel
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- logeusin
- Author:
- Logemann, Anna
- Schafberg, Michaela
- Brockmeyer, Berit
- Year of publication:
- 31.05.2019
- Standort:
- Bibliothek im BSH
- Besitzende Institution:
- Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH)
- Collection:
- Artikel
- Keyword:
- Sedimente
- Meeresumweltschutz
- Monitoring
- Rights:
- Da es sich um die Originalverlagsfassung des Artikels handelt, darf der Download nur innerhalb des BSH genutzt werden. Copyright: Elsevier
- Quelle:
- Chemosphere 233(2019)Oct., S.936-945
- Title:
- Using the HPTLC-bioluminescence bacteria assay for the determination of acute toxicities in marine sediments and its eligib ...
- Structure type:
- Other
- Collection:
- Artikel
- Title:
- 1. Introduction
- Structure type:
- Other
- Collection:
- Artikel