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Full text: 29: The Operational Circulation Model of BSH (BSHcmod)

27m 27m 
Fig. 10: Hourly averaged spring tidal currents from 6 hours before (-6) until 6 hours 
after high water at Borkum. 
The dominant signal in North Sea current data is the semi-diurnal tide. The results of a 
tidal stream analysis are shown in Fig. 10 (spring tide). Generally, maximum flood 
currents can be observed 2 hours before high water (HW) at 'Borkum Sudstrand 1 which 
was chosen as port of reference. An exception are the ADCP spring HWs at 5 and 11 m 
depth: here maximum flood currents appear already 3 hours before HW. The model’s 
maximum flood currents generally exceed those recorded by the ADCP. At both data 
sets, maximum ebb currents occur at 5 hours after HW with model currents again

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