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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

The increasing degree of integration of navigation systems and the parallel increase in the complexity of 
these systems place new requirements on test methods and specifications. These systems contain a 
large number of functionalities which have hitherto been carried out by equipment and units clearly de 
limited from one another. Depending on the type and extent of linkages and dependencies between the 
equipment or functional units, new technical aids for the navigation are provided supporting the different 
tasks of the process of ship operation. Particular difficulties are posed in the course of testing by identifi 
cation of the dependent factors between functional units of the integrated system. 
In particular, the increasing use of software for the implementation of function modules requires a new 
approach to the checking of integrated navigation systems (INS). The problem arising here is that with 
complex software modules it is not feasible to test all the operating states theoretically possible. Alter 
native methods should therefore be used in order to ensure the envisaged function of the particular 
module in on-board operation with adequate safety. 
The concept developed within the framework of this study contains a method for the functional descrip 
tion of integrated navigation systems, the compilation and preparation of requirements on INS as well as 
directions for the testing of integrated navigation systems in dialogue with the manufacturer. For this 
purpose, a specific extent of the process task “Navigation" will be defined. This process task will be 
called “Integrated Navigation”, the corresponding system will be called “Integrated Navigation System” 
During preparation of this study no overriding standard exists which lays down the (minimum) function 
scope, performance norms or test specifications for INS. Within the responsible working groups of the 
IMO (International Maritime Organisation) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), activi 
ties are carried out in parallel with the working title "Operational and Performance Requirements, Meth 
ods of Testing and required Test Results". 
The objective is to develop one comprehensive set of rules for each of the following different levels of 
• "Integrated Bridge Systems" (IBS) (IEC 61209) [6] 
• "Integrated Navigation Systems" (INS) (future IEC 61924) [7] 
• "Track Control Systems" (future IEC 62065) [8] 
In short, no harmonised overall result can be expected from these activities. The working groups men 
tioned above are starting from a different definition of the term “Integrated Navigation System” than used 
within this study with respect to the extent of the process task “Navigation”. 
Therefore, this study should be seen as a contribution to the standardization activities mentioned above. 
Prior to the legal introduction of generally acknowledged standards, testing of Integrated Navigation 
Systems is carried out in Germany as follows: 
• For every single component, conformity has to be proven with the corresponding per 
formance standards.

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