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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

Voyage planning 
Preparing the voyage plan 
7.1.1 Recording the input information 
Functionality level 1 
Functionality level 2 
Input information 
Output information 
1. Record hydrographic data 
1.1 Determine expected 
1.1.1 Record data 
• Monthly charts 
• Ocean handbooks 
• Collected data on expected swell condi 
1.1.2 Select information 
• Result from 1.1.1 
• Planned route 
• Expected passage and arrival times 
• Selection of the swell information rele 
vant as regards the planned route 
1.1.3 Provide information 
• Result from 1.1.2 
• Route-related swell information is avail 
able for further use during planning 
1.2 Determine expected 
sea currents 
1.2.1 Record data 
• Monthly charts 
• Atlases for tidal currents 
• Sea and ocean handbooks 
• Collected data on expected current 
1.2.2 Select information 
• Result from 1.2.1 
• Planned route 
• Expected passage and arrival times 
• Selection of the current information 
relevant as regards the planned route 
1.2.3 Provide information 
• Result from 1.2.2 
• Route-related current information is 
available for further use during planning 
1.3 Determine expected 
ice conditions 
1.3.1 Record data 
• Monthly charts 
• Ocean handbooks 
• Collected data on expected ice condi 
1.3.2 Select information 
• Result from 1.3.1 
• Planned route 
• Expected passage and arrival times 
• Selection of the ice information relevant 
as regards the planned route 
1.3.3 Provide information 
• Result from 1.3.2 
• Route-related ice information is avail 
able for further use during planning 

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