7 Annex
Catalogue of functionalities and elementary individual functions for the identified tasks
The following sections contain the catalogue of functionalities and functions identified for the process of
integrated navigation. The structure of the catalogue follows the process tasks defined in Section 1.
The format of the tables of functionalities and functions listed in the following differs according to the
depth of classification of the tasks concerned.
The tables contain the following columns, depending on the depth of classification of the particular func
tionalities considered:
• Abstract functionalities of classification level 1. This level is introduced in the case
of complex functionalities. From the functionalities of this level it is not yet possible to
directly derive elementary individual functions.
• Detailed functionalities of level 2. This is the “lowesf level of functionalities for the
respective task. The analysis of these functionalities leads directly to elementary indi
vidual functions.
• Function. This column contains the elementary individual functions of the particular
functionality listed for the “detailed classification level (see above).
• Input and output information. For each function are listed the necessary input in
formation and the supplied output information.