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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

5.4 Execution of man-overboard manoeuvres 
5.4.1 Purpose of task 
The execution of man-overboard manoeuvres serves the purpose of recovering a missing person. 
Selection of the suitable manoeuvre is moreover dependent on the time elapsing between the accident 
and starting the manoeuvre. The fundamental aim of the manoeuvres itemised in the literature [1] is 
however to return to the accident location as quickly as possible, i.e. to regain the own wash by means 
of a turn. From a functional viewpoint, therefore, they do not differ. The functionalities identified in the 
following concern only the manoeuvre itself (i.e. the “operation of the ship appropriate for the task”), 
other necessary functions or actions for successful execution of a manoeuvre (giving the alarm, search 
strategies, recovery of the person going overboard) are not considered here. 
5.4.2 Functionalities 
The task “Man-overboard manoeuvre” - in contrast to the tasks described in the previous sections - 
does not possess a pronounced planning phase. Since it involves dealing with an emergency situation, 
in which the time factor plays a deciding part, the approach instead is to follow a stipulated procedure 
which should also be practised if possible. A characteristic aspect of the functionalities of such a task is 
that the “depth” of the functionality hierarchy is small. For the task “Man-overboard manoeuvre” the 
following functionalities were identified 3 . 
1. Selecting the suitable manoeuvre 
2. Executing the manoeuvre 
3. Monitoring the manoeuvre 
4. Return to the planned track 
4.1 Plan return 
4.2 Execute return 
4.3 Monitor return 
5.4.3 Functions 
The functionality “Selecting the suitable manoeuvre” determines from the time of the accident 4 the suit 
able manoeuvre for the necessary 180° turn to return to the track just followed. It is of the “Data re 
cording” type - like the planning functions discussed in the previous sections. 
The functionality “Monitoring the manoeuvre” is of the “Set/actual comparison” type. Fundamental data 
to be monitored are the place and time of reaching the own keel line. 
The functionalities “Executing the manoeuvre” are of the “Influencing state variables" type. 
The functionality “Return to the planned track” consists of three individual functionalities: 
3 As already mentioned, only those functionalities which are part of the “Integrated navigation” process are itemised 
4 or the estimated time elapsing until discovery.

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