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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

Functionalities for data recording 
Functionalities of this type are used to determine and provide information which is required by other 
functionalities. They consist of the following elementary individual functions: 
• Record input data 
• Evaluate data 
• Provide set values/information 
Functionalities for selection of system data 
Functionalities of this type are necessary for executing the task “State identification”. These functionali 
ties determine from a set of input data which may be available from several sources a "system datum" 
for the respective state variable. The system datum is a state variable of a given type which shall be 
used obligatory by all functionalities or functions concerned. Functionalities for selection of system data 
are composed of the following functions: 
• Record data 
• Evaluate data 
• Compare date 
• Assess result of comparison 
• Select information to be provided 
• Provide information 
Functionalities for the set/actual comparison 
Functionalities of this type compare a set value for a certain datum with a current actual value. The de 
viation serves as input information for adjustment/control. These functionalities are implemented by the 
following functions: 
• Record set value 
• Record actual value 
• Record assessment criteria 
• Compare set value and actual value 
• Assess comparison 
• Provide result of comparison 
The function “Record assessment criteria” reads in the information which is necessary for assessment 
of the comparison. The question may for example be examined as to whether the difference between 
set and actual lies within a given limit. The functions “Record assessment criteria” and “Assess com 
parison” are optional. 
Functionalities for influencing state variables 
It is characteristic of functionalities of this type that they possess an elementary individual function “Act”. 
In general, such functionalities consist of the following functions:

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