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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

1. Voyage planning 
Data flow: 
Forecast data: meteorological and hydro- 
graphic data 
1. Origin 
• The origin of the forecast data used must be known; forecast data should originate from an 
authorised source. 
2. Validity 
• Time validity; the forecast data used must be valid for the relevant period (month/season of exe 
cution of the voyage plan). 
• Local validity: forecast data must be valid for the relevant sea region. 
3. Quality 
• Forecast data, i.e. prognoses based on current data (e.g. weather forecasts) must be sufficiently 
• The spatial (“global-local") and time-related (i.e. forecast period) resolution of the forecast data 
must be appropriate for the planned voyage (particularly the planned accuracy of navigation as a 
function of the sensor technology available). 
• Forecast data of the same type (e.g. weather, current conditions, tides) from differing sources 
must be checked for plausibility. 
4. Harmonisation 
5. Criticality 
6. Limit values and alarm facilities 
7. Representation/display 
• The forecast must be represented graphically or alphanumerically in suitable form.

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