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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

subsequent execution of the voyage plan. Furthermore, the necessary input data for 
developing the voyage plan must be compiled and evaluated here. 
2. Monitoring and executing the voyage: undertaking the voyage on the basis of the set 
data developed within the framework of voyage planning. Essentially, this task breaks 
down into determining set/actual deviations and determining set values for influencing 
the ship’s movement parameters. 
3. Management of data and reference parameters: summarising functionalities for re 
cording and administering data which are required to execute the process task. On one 
hand, this involves maintenance of the geographical data base, and on the other hand 
recording and administering "static" ship data and parameters as well as further local 
and global reference parameters. These are those data necessary to describe and 
monitor the movement of the vessel, e. g. dimensions and manoeuvring characteristics 
of the vessel as well as sensor locations and geographical reference systems. 
4. Dealing with unplanned incidents: planning and executing deviations from the original 
voyage plan as a reaction to unplanned incidents. These include for example collision 
avoidance, grounding avoidance, evasion of bad weather regions or man-overboard 
5. Recording the current situation: this area comprises all functionalities which serve the 
purpose of observation of the current situation of the own ship, monitoring of actual 
values used within the control system, and of the environment (eg weather, sea, traf 
From the aspects just listed is produced the following definition for the process task of integrated navi 
“Integrated navigation is the planning and execution of the voyage of a ship from a departure point to a 
destination point. When executing the voyage, the reference data created as part of planning as well as 
the influencing environmental parameters must be taken into account. To ensure the safety and eco 
nomic efficiency of the voyage, changes in the voyage plan should be undertaken if necessary.” 
Task areas 
The identification of task areas serves the purpose of structuring the process of integrated navigation. 
The aim is to define areas to which tasks belonging together in terms of content can be assigned. By 
introducing this level, the complex process under consideration can be divided into comprehensible 
units which can be considered separately in the further course of the analysis. 
The task areas of the “integrated navigation” process can be derived directly from the definition of the 
process task given above: 
1. Voyage planning 
2. Voyage execution 
3. Management of data and reference parameters 
4. Dealing with unplanned incidents 
5. Recording the current situation

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