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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

5 Data dictionary 
The data dictionary contains the definition of the information flows represented in the data flow dia 
grams. It consists of three parts: 
1. Elementary data types: 
These form the “basic modules”, from which all information exchanged within the INS is com 
posed. In this section, basic types are defined which are adapted to the special requirements 
of navigational operation. Elementary data types are not used within the INS in this form. They 
are instead found as elements of simple and composite data types. This paper contains only a 
verbal description of these data types. The concrete implementation is dependent of the techni 
cal architecture of the INS and therefore manufacturer specific. 
2. Simple data types: 
Simple data types contain precisely one information element. This is in turn defined by an ele 
mentary data type. The particular data type involved in each case is indicated in the fourth col 
umn of the table (“Structure”). 
3. Composite data types: 
Data of this type are produced from the combination of different simple data types. The internal 
structure of the composite data types can likewise be found in the “Structure” column of the ta 

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