I. Introduction
This data report presents current data of three measuring campaigns carried out in the
framework of OPUS (Ostsee-Programm Umwelt und Strömung, Baltic Sea Program Environment
and Currents) between 1993 and 1998:
OPUS I: Mecklenburg Bight, November, 1993 - January, 1994
OPUS II: Mecklenburg Bight, May, 1998 - June, 1998
FBB 1995: Fehmambelt Buoy, April, 1995 - January, 1996
Additionally shown are wind data of three meteorological stations, which are kindly provided by
the Deutscher Wetterdienst, Geschäftsstelle Seeschiffahrt.
Between November, 1993, and January, 1994, the Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und
Hydrographie (BSH, Federal Maritime and Hydrographie Agency) carried out the measuring
program OPUS I to monitore currents and circulation patterns in the Mecklenburg Bight.
Especially in the eastern part of the bight, along the coast of the former German Democratic
Republic, there was a great lack of current data. The aim was to create a set of synoptical current
data records within the whole bight and to develop an idea about the winterly circulation pattern
within the Mecklenburg Bight. Furtheron, the data may be used for the development and validation
of numerical circulation models.
During R/V "GAUSS" cruise 233 the BSH deployed at eight positions current meter
moorings with two Aanderaa RCM4, -5, -7, or -8 current meters each. A bottom-mounted upward
looking 600 kHz BroadBand ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, RD Instruments) was
deployed in the centre of the Fehmambelt which is the main channel for the water exchange
between the Baltic proper and the North Sea. The vertical resolution of the ADCP (bin length) was
1 metre. Three positions were additionally equipped with an Aanderaa water level recorder (WLR).
The record length varies between 19 and 67 days (see Table "Mooring Data OPUS F’). The
sampling interval of all instruments was 10 minutes. The positions of all moorings and
meteorological stations presented in this report are shown in Figure 1.