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thumbs: First record of the common sun star Crossaster papposus (L., 1767) in the Baltic Sea in over 100 years

\ceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, VOL. 51, NO. 2 | JUNE 2022 
’atharina Romoth, Mavva Goaina Kolia Beisienel Alexander Darr, Michael Lothar Zettler 
Information Reviews.F Marine Biological Association of 
ihe United Kingdom. 
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article/10.1007%2F510152-013-0368-x https://doi. 
Zettler, M.L., Beermann, J., Dannheim, J., Ebbe, B., Grotjahn, M., 
Günther, C.P, Gusky, M., Kind, B., Kröncke, I., Kuhlenkamp, 
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Witt, J. 2018: An annotated checklist of macrozoobenthic 
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delgoland Marine Research 72: 5 (10pp). https://doi. 
laurnal owner: Facultv of Oceanoaraphv and Geoaraphv, University of Gdansk, Poland

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