over a period of several years with a fundamentally
denser station network.
However, in general, one can state from the measure-
ments already carried out, that certain deviations of
the 15708 and D0s activity concentration values in the
upper water layers down to about 200 m depth can occur
on both sides, which give an indication of the layering
of the water in this region. Below these depths - from
1972 onwards, only from about 500 m depth —- a stronger
decrease in concentration occurs down to about 1,000 m
depth. In the depths below 1,000 m to 1,500 m, the values
then stay fairly constant. The advance of the fallout
products, transported here from the surface, into greater
depths takes place only very slowly in the sea area
During the year 1972 only, extraordinarily high
13708 concentration values were measured in the depth
range between about 500 m and 1,500 m. In individual
cases, these were several times higher than those surface
concentrations which were available at the same time,
In fact, in one case, the value was about double so high
as the highest 1966 surface water measurement. We can
provide no explanation for this phenomenon, As, however,
the 90m did not show the same behaviour, it appears to
lie within the possibility that biological mechanisms
are responsible for these accumulations. 90sp practically
will not — on the other hand, 15708 can —- accumulate in
plankton or other marine organisms to about a factor of
100. It is astounding that, in the 1974 measurement
values, absolutely no indication of this distribution
anomaly —- which occurred in 1972 —- was to be recognized.
In total, the 15705 concentration activity values
in the surface water during the period from 1966 to 1974
sank to about half the initial values.