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Full text: 45: Iberische Tiefsee : hydrographische und radiologische Untersuchungen ; FS "Meteor" - Fahrten Nr 3(1966), 15(1968), 21(1970), 29(1972), 33(1974)

The mean apparent motion of the water in the near- 
bottom layer of the Abyssal Plain, determined from the 
"progressive vector diagrams", lie between 0,8 and 
2.5 km/d, if the average is taken over the whole 
series; the westerly and northerly directions pre- 
This mean field of movement is superimposed by a 
series of periodical and aperiodical processes. The 
period of inertia of 17.8 h is found regularly in 
the measurements, The semi-diurnal tide predominates. 
The occasional disturbances that occur at intervals 
of several days or weeks, and which are marked by abrupt 
changes of direction and/or sudden changes in velocity, 
make that the temporary current picture can deviate 
sonsiderably from the mean (see the pronounced increase 
in velocity and change of direction on 7.10.1968, in 
Fig. 35, as one example amongst many). 
In order to be able to completely grasp the why 
and wherefore of these phenomena, essentially longer 
series of current measurements than those here pre- 
sented are necessary. Also, the supplementary em- 
ployment of drogues is required in order to ascertain 
the true motion of the water. 
Koltermann, K.P.,,. 
Kroebel, W.. (1973): 
J. Meincke, T. Müller (1976): 
Data Report "Meteor" and "Meer- 
katze 2", 
Ber.Inst.Meeresk. Kiel, Nr. 23, 
Die Kieler Multimeeressonde, 
"Meteor"-Forsch.-Ergebna. A, 
Nr. 12, 53 _- 57.

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