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Full text: 45: Iberische Tiefsee : hydrographische und radiologische Untersuchungen ; FS "Meteor" - Fahrten Nr 3(1966), 15(1968), 21(1970), 29(1972), 33(1974)

however, only a very gradual decrease in 
temperature; thinner layers of warmer water 
are present and result in a laminated struc- 
ture. Below the salinity maximum, the salini- 
ty and temperature decreases distinctly. At a 
depth of from 1,500 to 1,700 m, there is al- 
most no indication of the presence of the 
highly saline and relatively warm, and - 
moreover - oxygen poor, water (see Tables 2 
and 4). 
3lower decrease in temperature and salinity 
to % 4,000 m; almost constant values between 
4,000 m and the deep sea bottom. 
From the T/S diagrams of the individual cruises 
(Figs. 3, 11a to b, 74, 78 a to r) it can be seen 
that the following four watermasses (Mamaev, 1975) 
participate in the hydrographical construction be- 
low the upper layer: the North Atlantic Central 
Water (NACW); the Intermediate Mediterranean Water 
(MI) — which flows out through the Straits of G1b- 
raltar into the Atlantic Ocean, and which mixes 
with the North Atlantic Deep Water (NAD) at the 
lines of equal density 6, of % 27.8; as well as 
the North Atlantic Bottom Water (NADB) which is 
found at depths of 74,000 m (Figs. 3, 11a, 74, 
78 e to £f). 
The NACW's field of influence is between 
200 m and 600 m depth. The vertical density gradi- 
ents are slight. The MI's core is at 1,000 m to 
1,100 m, however, it exercises its influence in 
the whole layer between 600 m and 1,500 m. From the 
remarkable growth in salinity between the minimum 
at X 600 m and the maximum at 1,000 to 1,100 m, 
relatively larger mean density gradients in the 
vertical are computed, which —- because of the

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